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Lyrics Feint feat. Laura Brehm - Words (текст песни, слова)

It's more than emotion.
I feel I'm never gonna stop.
'Cause I'm falling deep.
I guess the pressure's build right up.

With all this desire.
I've been carrying around.
I'm feeling elated.
I don't wanna come back down.

Here I am, there you are.
Don't wanna stop.
I know, you know.
Yeah, I can feel it.
All the tension rising up.
So much it hurts.
We're saying more than words.

We're saying more than words.
Saying more than words.
Saying more than words.
More than words.
Saying more than words.
Saying more than words.
Saying more than words.

I can't imagine.
That I believe and say.
This has become a passion.
That is changing me.

We're speaking a language.
That no one understands.
Far from the surface.
I know this will never end.

Here I am, there you are.
Don't wanna stop.
I know, you know.
Yeah, I can feel it.
All the tension rising up.
So much it hurts.
We're saying more than words.

We're saying more than words.
Saying more than words.
Saying more than words.
More than words.
Saying more than words.
Saying more than words.
Saying more than words.

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Lyrics Feint feat. Laura Brehm - Words
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