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Lyrics Jessie Banks - This is the way (текст песни, слова)

Take your heart and make it true.
All the rises maked them you.
I know that like a child you braked those chained.
Feeling it free don't once again.

This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.
I wanna stay this way forever.

This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.

Shining like a silver sun.
Make it changes till they done.
Closing the door your moving on.
Feeling if only it's just began.

This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.
I wanna stay this way forever.

This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.
This is the way, this is the feeling.
I wanna stay this way forever.

Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Ohhhh.
Stay this way forever.

Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Ohhhh.
Stay this way forever

Changes changes never hold this again.
Running like a child if you feel the same.
Changes changes never hold this again.
Flying like a bird over river the mountains.

Changes changes never hold this again.
Running like a child if you feel the same.
Changes changes never hold this again.
Flying like a bird over river the mountains.

Changes changes never hold this again.
Running like a child if you feel the same.
Changes changes never hold this again.
Flying like a bird over river the mountains.

Перевод песни Jessie Banks - This is the way


Текст песни, слова: Lyrics Jessie Banks - This is the way
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Lyrics Jessie Banks - This is the way
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