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Lyrics Pink - Today's the day (The Ellen Show) (текст песни, слова)

Совсем скоро премьера песни "Pink - Today's the day",... текст появится в день премьеры ! ;

Oh oh oh oh oh
Today's the day I've been waiting for
Tomorrow won't come after all
Yesterday's so far away
This today's the only day!
Somebody please stop the clock,
Oh oh oh oh
Don't never let this day stop
I never wanna go home, no oh no no

I'ma say today's my day
I'ma say today's my day
I'ma say today's my day
I'ma say it's gonna go my way!

Today's the day I've been waiting for
Tomorrow won't come after all
Yesterday's so far away
This today's the only day

Перевод песни Pink - Today's the day The Ellen Show

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Текст песни, слова: Lyrics Pink - Today's the day (The Ellen Show)
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Lyrics Pink - Today's the day (The Ellen Show)
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