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Dj Chris Parker - Controlled (feat. Black Fox) (текст песни, слова)

Desire to rule your mind,
That go beyond
Human concepts and
Inverted head.

Morality forgotten,
Devotion killed,
Sincerity buried.
Do you even human?

Calm down your reflexes,
Not build concepts.
Feel wild looseness
Which happens only at night
And night
You'll say loudly
Is It Right!
You are controlled.

As large puppet,
You hanged for thread
And manages all
Of you is not a friend!

Morality forgotten,
Devotion killed,
Sincerity buried.
Do you even human?

Calm down your reflexes,
Not build concepts.
Feel wild looseness
Which happens only at night
And night
You'll say loudly
Is It Right!
You are controlled.

Текст песни, слова: Dj Chris Parker - Controlled (feat. Black Fox)
текст / слова
Dj Chris Parker - Controlled (feat. Black Fox)
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