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Lyrics Evan RAI - Burn It Down (текст песни, слова)

In my heart a million scars.
In my life there were many lies.
Where will i meet my fate?
When i will point the way?

I wake up, it's a bad dream.
No one on my side.
Abandoned, unwanted.
I was alone in this night.

When i see you around me.
I feel the pain inside me.
I don't want to be the one.
But not with you.
Don't stay, leave me alone.
Take this away.
And burn it down.

We have nothing more to hide.
There's no turning point in this time.
All what i asking for.
Is that you need nothing more.

I'm broken, im falling.
Surrender all that loved.
Abandoned, unwanted.
I was alone in this night.
When i see you around me.
I feel the pain inside me.
I don't want to be the one
But not with you.
Don't stay, leave me alone.
Take this away.
And burn it down.

Oh madness how your life turns.
But i'm not sure now if i wanna be down.
Can't take you back when i know.
I'm not the one you really wanted before.

When i see you around me.
I feel the pain inside me.
I don't want to be the one.
But not with you.
Don't stay, leave me alone.
Take this away.
And burn it down.

Текст песни, слова: Lyrics Evan RAI - Burn It Down
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Lyrics Evan RAI - Burn It Down
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