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Lyrics Crywolf - Slow Burn (текст песни, слова)

And I can't sleep,
Awake these nights.
Oh, oh, you're still here with me.
And I feel you pull me, pulling me down.

I can't escape from you,
I can still feel you close, in this twisting love.
I can't explain what you did to me.
But now I'm stuck here,
Dreaming in my mind.
Pounding in my chest,
You're caught up in my brain.
Baby, you are taking the best of me.
Part of me slow burn,
I'm about to think.
'Cause I know there's never how it should be.

And I can't see who do you think it's last.
I can't escape from you
I can't escape from you
I can't escape from you
I can't escape from you

And I can't sleep,
Awake these nights.
Oh, oh, you're still here with me.
And I feel you pull me, pulling me down.

I can't escape from you,
I can still feel you close, in this twisting love.
I can't explain what you did to me.
But now I'm stuck here,
Dreaming in my mind.
Pounding in my chest,
You're caught up in my brain.
Baby, you are taking the best of me.
Part of me slow burn,
I'm about to think.
'Cause I know there's never how it should be.

Перевод песни Crywolf - Slow Burn


Текст песни, слова: Lyrics Crywolf - Slow Burn
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Lyrics Crywolf - Slow Burn
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